Updates, Updates and More Updates


It's been a while, since our last post. However, we have been working hard adding new updates and features to Wurkbuk. It is getting much closer to our 1 year anniversary, which will coincide with our Beta 2 launch. The Wurkbuk Demo site will be updated to Beta 2 at the same time. So what have we been doing all this time? Here's a run down so far:


  • We've added the ability to import and export lessons, so you can easily share and use lessons from other teachers on a range of subjects (we'll also be providing lots of lessons for teachers to use in the future from our upcoming lesson repository).
  • You can now easily embed Google docs, sheets, slides and drawings into your lessons. More on this feature at a later date though, when we talk about the brilliant Google Docs integration with Wurkbuk.
  • The editor that is used to create lessons has been updated to the latest version.
  • The workflow has been improved by adding a few extra buttons here and there, so you can do things quicker. E.g. A teach button to share you lessons with students can now be accessed directly from your lesson view, instead of having to go to the Teach section. 
  • You can now navigate the Plan view much easier with the addition of a Back button.
  • For those that don't want to navigate through the folder Plan view, the alternate Lesson view for the Plan section has been revamped, and now shows an edit button for each lesson, the lesson date and the subject and submenu for the lesson.
  • You can now rename subjects and submenus, with the ability to have multiple submenus with the same name e.g. Autumn 1 submenu can exists in multiple subjects to help you organise your lessons. (Please note subject names must be unique.
  • You can now have student be in more than one group. So student Zach Mensah, for example, can be in History Group 1, but also the History subgroup for advanced students, at the same time (which may get slightly more difficult assignments). This can help differentiate your teaching depending on the ability of your students.
  • The marksheet view, in the Mark section is now much wider, so you can see more lessons without having to scroll. You can also see which groups students are in if you choose not to filter students by group.
  • There have also been a ton of bug fixes to make the existing features work much better and be way more secure.

All of these features will be ready for you to try out when the Beta 2 is launched. Not long now, so please stay tuned.