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Lesson resources with Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets have Google documents that can be copied for students and used as worksheets.

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Page 1 of 10 Results 1 - 10 of 100 Sort by: Subject |  Grade |  Exam Board|  Google Enabled|  Resource Type

Biology - Chemistry - Computer Science - English - French - Geography - German - History - Music - Physics
Lessons - Quizzes

 Name Description Download
thumb English
Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives
by Mathew-Lynch
Date: Monday, 05 June 2023 13:27
Language - UK - AQA - Key Stage 4

A practice exam paper for the AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives, using two non-fiction texts based on the same theme or topic, here being: NURSING - THEN AND NOW!

Extracts used here are Florence Nightingale's 19th C account of nursing wounded soldiers following the Battle of Balaklava during the Crimean War and a 21st C article taken from Nursing Times about the findings of a survey of NHS nurses regarding pay and conditions.

Section B: Writing task (linked by topic to the theme of the texts used in Section A) is also included.

The 5 exam questions adhere to the format of those published by AQA in their specimen exam papers.


Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-aqa-paper-2-practice-exam-paper-nursing-then-and-now-11306796

thumb English
Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives
by Mathew Lynch
Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets Lesson
Date: Monday, 05 June 2023 13:31
Language - UK - AQA - Key Stage 4

A practice exam paper for the AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives, using two non-fiction texts based on the same theme or topic, here being: NURSING - THEN AND NOW!

Extracts used here are Florence Nightingale's 19th C account of nursing wounded soldiers following the Battle of Balaklava during the Crimean War and a 21st C article taken from Nursing Times about the findings of a survey of NHS nurses regarding pay and conditions.

Section B: Writing task (linked by topic to the theme of the texts used in Section A) is also included.

The 5 exam questions adhere to the format of those published by AQA in their specimen exam papers.

Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-aqa-paper-2-practice-exam-paper-nursing-then-and-now-11306796

thumb History
Windrush Generation
by Rosa Bell
Date: Monday, 29 May 2023 11:21
Black History - UK - Grade 8,Year 9

The impact of Empire Windrush - A lesson on how to analyse the impact of Immigration on British Society?

Link to original resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1960s-scheme-of-work-6423706

thumb History
Windrush Generation
by Rosa Bell
Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets Lesson
Date: Monday, 29 May 2023 11:35
Black History - UK - Grade 8,Year 9

The impact of Empire Windrush - A lesson on how to analyse the impact of Immigration on British Society?

Link to original resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/1960s-scheme-of-work-6423706

thumb French
What Time Is It?
by Sarah2209
Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets Lesson
Date: Friday, 09 June 2023 11:57 - Key Stage 3

A lesson on learning how to tell the time in French.

Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/quelle-heure-est-il-6118796

thumb Geography
What are Natural Hazards
by J Tomlinson
Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets Lesson
Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2023 11:52 - AQA - Key Stage 4

Full lesson for GCSE Geography AQA for Natural Hazards. Lesson incorporates independent and group work and questioning and AfL.


Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-geography-aqa-9-1-natural-hazards-11482400

thumb German
by Petermorris2001
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023 13:39 - Key Stage 4

GCSE German higher reading comprehension questions on the topic of a weather report.

Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/25-gcse-style-higher-reading-questions-6323647

thumb German
by Petermorris2001
Google Drive Logo Google Docs Worksheets Lesson
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023 13:42 - Key Stage 4

GCSE German higher reading comprehension questions on the topic of a weather report.

Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/25-gcse-style-higher-reading-questions-6323647

thumb Geography
Weather Quiz
by Leah Smith
Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2023 12:05 - Key Stage 3

A quiz of 20 questions about the weather.


Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks3-geography-weather-quiz-11532911

thumb German
Usain Bolt
by Petermorris2001
Date: Monday, 12 June 2023 10:55 - UK - Key Stage 4

GCSE German higher reading comprehension questions on Usain Bolt.

Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/25-gcse-style-higher-reading-questions-6323647

Page 1 of 10 Results 1 - 10 of 100

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